SafeHaven is a community driven defi project based on Binance Smart Chain.


A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are generally not issued by any central authority, rendering them theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.

What is DeFi ? 

DeFi which is otherwise known as Decentralized Finance has been a big blessing to the blockchain industry and the world at large. As we know cryptocurrency serves as a decentralized store of value that is secured, DeFi creates a decentralized financial instrument free from traditional centralized institutions. The DeFi world has seen rapid growth in 2020, back in 2019 the worth of the DeFi industry was $275M. But by Feb 2020 it value grew significantly totalling $2.5B in early July, $3B by mid-July, and $4B on the 25 of July. This growth rate indicates the rise in interest of the masses in DeFi. 

What is Safehaven?

SafeHaven is a community driven DeFi project built on Binance Smart Chain. The first token $Haven will be made available to early investors soon via Unicrypt Initial Liquidity Offering . The total limited supply of $Haven is 21 million tokens. All $Haven token holders receive BNB rewards based on their percentage of holdings, making it a great source of passive income. Haven has been engineered to combat day traders, whales & bots with revolutionary tokenomics that rewards holders and penalises short selling with a high transaction tax to improve price stability and decrease market volatility.

BNB Reward

All $Haven Holders are entitled to their share of the BNB reward pool based on how much Haven they hold . For the first week, the Haven EasyReward promotion will allow holders to claim their share of the BNB reward pool every day. Thereafter, holders can claim their BNB reward every three days. The BNB Reward pool is funded by the 16% transaction tax on all buys/sells & transfers, a massive 9% of which goes to the BNB reward pool, claimable by holders every 72 hours based on their proportion of holdings. Please note that if you buy more than 10% of your total holding of Haven, it will extend your BNB claim reward time proportionally (If you buy 90% extra Haven, adds 90% to cycle time, 72x.90 = 64.8 hours ) . The maximum extension to you claim reward cycle from any single transaction is 72 hours. The Haven BNB reward pool percentage for holders is unrivalled compared to other cryptocurrencies due to Haven’s unique protocols & the high transaction tax that rewards Haven holders for increases in trading volume.

This was implemented to discourage short trading of $Haven, along with other anti whale mechanisms in place as part of our revolutionary safetokenomics. The higher the level of trading volume, the more BNB will be available in the reward pool for $Haven holders. The great thing about the $Haven BNB reward system is that even when the cryptocurrency market is down, you can still take profits from your $Haven holdings without having to sell a single token. You benefit from any buying or selling activity in the market.

As an anti-whale measure, A 10% tax applies on BNB reward claims higher than 0.5 BNB. This is split 50/50, half for buyback/burn of $Haven as a deflationary measure & half goes to the Marketing & Development fund.

Short for decentralized record, DeFi is an umbrella term for a grouping of employments and errands in the public blockchain space intended for upsetting the ordinary cash world. Propelled by blockchain development, DeFi is insinuated as money related applications dependent on blockchain headways. DeFi is the advancement that utilization decentralized associations to change old financial things into trustless and clear shows that run without arbiters.

SafeHaven is a neighborhood DeFi project dependent on Binance Smart Chain. The primary token $Haven will be made open to early monetary supporters soon through Unicrypt Initial Liquidity Offering (buy here). The hard and fast limited store of $Haven is 21 million tokens. All $Haven token holders get BNB rewards subject to their degree of assets, making it a staggering wellspring of mechanized income. $Haven has been intended to fight casual financial backers, whales and bots with reformist tokenomics that rewards holders and rebuffs short selling with a high trade cost to improve esteem strength and diminishing business sector insecurity Upon the appearance of dispatch, 10.5 million $Haven will be seared to the dead wallet to supercharge the BNB pool. Accordingly, half of the BNB pool will be unclaimable from day 1. This gives extra security to the $Haven BNB reward system and will help with keeping it’s anything but’s a sensible even out and promise it can never be exhausted over half. The 1% burn-through on trades will contribute vehemently to the BNB pool as well.


How as often as possible will I received my BNB reward?

At the point when predictably. The proportion of BNB reward got will change dependent upon $Haven trading volume, when there is higher trading activity, the BNB pool increases and reduces during seasons of low trading volume.

There are characteristics of $Haven that contrast it with the Bitcoin of the Binance Smart Chain climate. At any rate $Haven is actually an upgrade for Bitcoin tokenomics for the going with reasons:

Scarcity: after the devour, the total covered stock of $Haven will be 10.15 million tokens, not actually half as much as the 21 million supreme reserve of Bitcoin.

BNB prizes for holders is payable predictably. $Haven licenses you to make simple income from your assets paying little regard to winning monetary circumstances. Bitcoin offers no such honor.

1% burn-through on all trades: All buy, sell and move trades are capable to a 1% devour charge, which goes probably as a deflationary measure. This will consistently fabricate the lack of $Haven token and will help with extending its value.

SAFEHAVEN was made to repay holders. Each trade (buy, sell, or send) has a 16% charge:

9% goes to the BNB Reward Pool, claimable by holders degree to their % of assets.

5% goes to the liquidity pool, decreasing worth capriciousness.

1% is appropriated among all holders as reflection premium, including the burn-through wallet

1% is transported off the burn-through wallet making SAFEHAVEN even more sparse with each trade a big part of the total stock will be sent off the dead wallet upon the appearance of our dispatch on Pancake Swap, this will ensure secured and regular improvement of our BNB pool. For the underlying 7 days after our first posting on PCS, holders will really need to ensure step by step (as expected), after the essential week the cycle will latest 3 days.

The dead area will be the best holder, subsequently 50% of the BNB pool will be unclaimable. This makes the BNB pool more secure for our holders. The devour wallet will continue assembling more tokens through reflection and on each trade, killing them from stream. These repairmen will increase essentially more the deficiency of SAFEHAVEN making it the best deflationary, simple income making cryptographic cash.

Manual Burn

We have decided to devour basically half of the hard and fast stockpile to allow the BNB reward system to grow normally. Since the dead wallet will hold half of tokens, near portion of the BNB reward pool will anytime be claimable so it will be less helpless to douse decreases in BNB pool rewards.

Safe-haven is a really deflationary coin by plan. The stock keeps on decreasing with each trade. 1% of each trade is scorched. Additionally, the Dead Wallet is a wallet holder for reflection premium, with half of supply, which implies an enormous piece of reflection interest from trades goes to the devour wallet also.

Is $Haven a perilous endeavor?

The $Haven Smart Contract has been assessed by RD Labs, zero security issues have been found. At any rate $Haven is a start up computerized cash, making it a high peril theory with high potential for capriciousness in cost. On the off chance that it’s anything but an excessive difficult situation, reliably do your own due steadiness, contribute at your own risk and simply contribute what you can tolerate losing. Also similarly as with regardless of advanced monetary standards two or three stable coins, there can be basic changes in regard, so if it’s anything but a difficult situation, recollect this preceding contributing.

How should I buy $Haven?

You can look into our Initial Liquidity Offering on Unicrypt immediately, or you can keep it together for the Safehaven dispatch on Pancake Swap. On the off chance that it’s anything but a difficult situation, read the how to buy region for more information.

Haven Tokenomics Summary:

Token Name: Haven Token

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Token Symbol: Haven

Total Supply: 21,000,000 $HAVEN (just like Bitcoin!)

Unicrypt Initial Liquidity Offering: 6,000,000 $HAVEN

Burned on day of launch: 10,500,000 $HAVEN

Liquidity Locked (Pancake Swap): 3,446,820 $HAVEN

Team share: 330,000 $HAVEN

Marketing and Development fund: 723,180 $HAVEN

10.5 million $Haven will be burned on the day of launch to the dead wallet. 50% of the BNB pool will be unclaimable, enhancing the sustainability of the Haven BNB reward system.

16% Transaction tax. This is allocated in the following proportions: 9% BNB Reward Pool, 5% Liquidity Pool, 1% Reflection, 1% Burned.

1.6% of the total supply split to the 3 members of the Safehaven Team.

1% of the total supply to Marketing & Development Fund, to ensure the continued and sustainable growth of $Haven.


June 2021:

Launch website 

Smart Contract Audit Passed 

Online marketing/Social media campaigns commence 

Initial Liquidity Offering for $Haven token on Unicrypt for early investors to boost liquidity and reduce price volatility at launch.

Pancake Swap DEX listing. All Unicrypt ILO investors will receive their $Haven tokens on the day of launch on Pancake Swap.

Targeted paid marketing campaigns on social media

Mobilising the Community” guerilla marketing campaign (after PCS launch)

Get Haven Logo on Trustwallet & MetaMask

$Haven listing on CoinGecko

$Haven listing on CoinMarketCap

Q3 2021 (July-Sept):

Enhanced marketing activity supported by whale BNB pool reward tax. (10% tax on BNB reward claims if your claim is higher than 0.5 BNB. 5% buyback/burn of Haven & 5% marketing and development fund.

Listings on exchanges that can accommodate the tokenomics of $Haven

Q4 2021 (Oct-Dec):

Further development of the Safehaven DeFi platform to provide real life use applications for the cryptocurrency products/services of Safehaven, other than holding as a store of value or to earn BNB.

Launch of of the second Safehaven token. The tokenomics will be different to $Haven, optimised for use as a transactional payment mechanism.

How to buy

Safehaven Defi will soon be commencing a Unicrypt Initial Liquidity Offering with a 10% discount on $Haven. Our team will share the link soon and you will receive your tokens on the day of launch on Pancake Swap. We will confirm our DEX date of launch when we reach 1,000 followers on Telegram. If you would to be notified when the Initial Liquidity Offering & Pancake Swap rounds are commencing .


Total Supply: 21,000,000 $HAVEN

Safe Burn: 10,500,000 $HAVEN

Unicrypt Initial Liquidity Offering: 6,000,000 $HAVEN

Liquidity Locked: 3,446,820 $HAVEN

Marketing & Development fund: 723,180 $HAVEN

SafeHaven Dev Team: 330,000 $HAVEN

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User Name : mirakuru79
BTT profile :;u=2583798
BSC Wallet : 0x1DaE8E4504470aEa35216CC67b4B7199bE951821

ber Bakery Bunny | Bewertungen zum Projekt


Jeder von uns möchte auf dieses oder jenes Phänomen, Handlung, Tat vertrauen. Jemand möchte sicher sein, dass morgen besser wird als heute. Jemand möchte sich der Richtigkeit seiner Handlungen und Taten sicher sein, und jemand möchte von der Zuverlässigkeit und Ehrlichkeit eines Finanzinstruments überzeugt sein. Unsere Erwartungen werden jedoch nicht immer erfüllt, denn darüber hinaus wird die Qualität des Ergebnisses von vielen Hilfsfaktoren beeinflusst, die wir entweder nicht kannten oder bei der Analyse unseres eigenen Handelns nicht berücksichtigt haben.

Natürlich hat sich jeder Mensch mindestens einmal in seinem Leben in seinen Vorurteilen geirrt. Und wie die Praxis zeigt, kann eine Person, die einmal „negative“ Erfahrungen gemacht hat, von jedem Wunsch abhalten, es noch einmal zu versuchen, um das gewünschte Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Über Bakery Bunny

Bakery Bunny ist ein neuer und schnell wachsender DeFi-Ergebnisaggregator, der für BakerySwap verwendet wird. Das BakeryBunny-Protokoll ermöglicht es Kryptobauern, ihre Neigung zur Erntesuche zu nutzen, um die Rentabilität von BSC-Compounding-Methoden zu optimieren. Wir bieten Methoden für die verschiedenen Bedürfnisse von Kryptobauern, von den höchsten Renditesuchenden bis hin zur Optimierung der Risikoprämie umsichtiger Anleger.

Wir sind bestrebt, eine Plattform zu entwickeln, die automatisch Ergebnisse für alle kleinen und großen Personen aggregiert. Das Ziel von BakeBunny ist es, das DeFi-Ökosystem, insbesondere in der intelligenten Kette von Binance, zu verbessern, indem es den Benutzern mehrere Methoden zur Maximierung der Renditen bei gleichzeitiger Minimierung des Risikos für alle unsere Anleger bietet.

Unsere Farmen wurden für Einzelpersonen entwickelt, die Smart Contracts verwenden, um Erlöse im Namen von Einzelpersonen automatisch zu bündeln und zu reinvestieren. Das Compoundieren in BakerySwap ist schwierig, die optimale Häufigkeit und den optimalen Zeitpunkt zum Kombinieren und Reinvestieren Ihrer Ergebnisse zu ermitteln.

Merkmale dieses Projekts

APY wird durch Kombinieren berechnet, kann nicht linear berechnet werden. Je mehr Token Sie über einen längeren Zeitraum auf unserer Farm aufbewahren, desto mehr wächst Ihr Vermögen exponentiell. Bake- oder LP-Token werden von BakerySwap verwendet, wir werden die Ergebnisse automatisch über BakerySwap zusammensetzen. BakeBunny wird über den Smart Contract unseres Projekts gedruckt. Wenn Nutzer/Investoren die Gewinnanforderungen innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums erfüllen, BakeRabbit. Der Gewinn von 30% wird in $ BNB-Äquivalent berechnet, und für jedes 1 BNB erhält der Benutzer 20 BakeBunny. Der Swap-Prozentsatz ist eine Analyse, die auf der Swap-Gebühr basiert, die der Liquiditätsanbieter bei jedem Swap des Paares erhält.

Vom LP-Token selbst steigt also sein Wert, was auf den Walzen zu einer Erhöhung Ihres Prozentsatzes führt. Der angezeigte Zinssatz wird über die BakerySwap API abgerufen. Wir haben eine Provision von 0,4% für das Abheben von Geldern von unserer Farm festgelegt, während wir es nur sind. Auszahlungen, die innerhalb von 48 Stunden nach der Einzahlung erfolgen. Wir haben diese Gebühren strukturiert, um einen reibungslosen Betrieb des Ökosystems zu gewährleisten und eine mögliche Ausbeutung durch bösgläubige Personen zu verhindern. Wenn beispielsweise innerhalb von 48 Stunden keine Abhebungsgebühr von 0,4 % anfällt, können Sie unmittelbar vor der Aufzinsung weiter einzahlen und sofort nach der Aufzinsung Geld abheben und trotzdem die gleichen Vorteile und stabile Langzeitinhaber erhalten.

Geben Sie die Anzahl der Token ein, die Sie abheben möchten, oder wählen Sie “Max”, um alle Ihre Token im Pool abzuheben. Klicken Sie unten auf die Schaltfläche “Auszahlen”. Bei Auszahlungen innerhalb von 48 Stunden wird eine Gebühr von 0,4% erhoben. Dieser Timer wird jedes Mal zurückgesetzt, wenn Sie eine neue Einzahlung tätigen. Wenn Sie eine Belohnung in einem Pool erhalten, die Ihnen dies ermöglicht, wird der Timer nicht zurückgesetzt.

Token dieser Firma

Der BakeBunny-Token ist unser eigener Governance-Token. BakeBunny-Inhaber / Investoren verwalten unser Ökosystem und erhalten einen hohen Prozentsatz des Wertes der Produktivität der Farm. Als Inhaber/Investoren
halten BakeBunny-Token das BakeBunny-Ökosystem am Laufen.

BakeBunny LP Farms akzeptiert verschiedene akzeptable Risiken für BakeBunny-Benutzer. Ein Anstieg des APY impliziert normalerweise eine größere Volatilität des Preises des zugrunde liegenden Asset-Token. Zum Beispiel hat BUSD-BNB einen viel niedrigeren zusammengesetzten
APY, der viel niedriger ist als BAKE-BNB, da BUSD eine an den Dollar gebundene Stablecoin ist und keine Volatilität erfährt.

Weitere Informationen

● Twitter:
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● Reddit: / BakeryBunnyFinance /
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➤ BTT-Benutzername: mirakuru79
➤ BTT-Profil:;u=2583798

Goldario Financial ecosystem

Goldario platform., gambar #2

The brand Goldario is the result of a work in progress. This story began to be told in 2017, when Mr. Saleem Ahmed Zaheer and Ms. Josy Escobar built the team that conceived G44 SA in Brazil, a holding company to manage their businesses. Shortly thereafter, the opportunity emerges to expand the company’s business in a new area: mining. An emerald mine in Campos Verdes, Goiás – Brazil, and a shareholding in a gold mine in the north of the country, in the Lourenço district, in Calçoene (AP), Brazil.
ABOUT Goldario platform.
Goldario’s business model allows self-regulation, where all financial activities will be recorded on a distributed incorruptible distributed ledger following the mission of the Goldario platform of unifying yet decentralizing the multi-hundred billion dollars precious metal, stones and jewellery industry. Goldario platform has a team that combines the best of both worlds – renowned professionals with years of industry experience and dedicated blockchain evangelists with a track record of successful projects. Considering the offering Goldario’s is providing the marketplace with, we are confident this will be a huge success.
Goldario platform will be a huge step in the development of its target market sector. Goldario global marketing involves the integration and further expansion of the existing ecosystem and products offered by Goldario. Goldario plans to develop and enable participation within its underlying business activities, as well as make it more affordable for people with medium and low incomes to get access to potential businesses. The development of the platform in this direction implies the Legalization of our Smart Contract Token in the territory of individual states, integration into social groups, licensing of our business revenues, paying taxes on income received from our business operations, and interest for using the platform on the territory of individual states.

Our Vision
We envision to revolutionize the entire eco-style of the jewelry industry by utilizing emerging technologies namely blockchain, cryptography, smart contracts, AI and Fintech. We aim to create an ecosystem where we make it easy for individuals – whether ordinary consumers or institutional investors – to invest in businesses that are supported by a complete ecosystem of precious metals, stone and jewelry factories & retail businesses, while also maintaining security, audit capabilities and liquidity .
Our mission
Goldario aims to be the world’s leading choice platform for consumers and businesses engaged in the jewelry industry. It seeks to enable users to acquire and own physical mining rights, jewelry manufacturing plants and jewelry retail businesses from around the world, and by doing so, create assets that underlie potential support for Goldario (GLD) Tokens.
Goldario uses Smart Contracts for the purpose of trustless exchange of value and to eliminate the role of centralized financial institutions. These contracts are self-executable programmable codes that work much like traditional contracts but with the difference of being trustless (as they can’t be manipulated once created) and immutable. Within the Goldario Financial ecosystem, Smart contracts help us perform transactions of all sorts for executing a service or transfer anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman. In simpler words, for normal dealings that involves value, we hire a lawyer or a notary, pay them, and wait while they get us the document. This process is expensive and time taking.
With Goldario Smart Contracts, a user simply perform a transaction on our ecosystem and the Smart Contract serve as your trusted escrow, that ensures that you get your reward in a trustless manner, and thus, using this technology the Goldario ecosystem not only define the rules and penalties around an agreement in the same way that a traditional contract does, but also automatically enforce those obligations.
Goldario uses Smart Contracts technologies that are the deterministic exchange mechanisms controlled by digital means that can carry out the direct transaction of value between untrusted agents. We use this technology to facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation or performance of economically-laden procedural instructions and potentially circumvent censorship, collusion, and counterparty risk. Moreover, by using trustless Smart Contracts, Goldario ensures that clearing and settlement process is trustless, and automated across its blockchain-based distributed ledger environment.
● Liquidity and Accessibility
By exchanging trusted digital assets, Goldario gives users the opportunity to easily liquidate, access and exchange valuable commodities, namely metals and precious stones through GLD Tokens, which can be exchanged in crypto trade exchanges and can also be used for peer-to-peer exchanges of value. Built as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, GLD Tokens can be easily moved or traded anywhere in the world, 24/7.
● Lower Investment Limit
Unlike traditional startups or early-stage companies, where the entry of a person with low investment is almost impossible, Goldario through commodity tokenisation and its business model offers a lower investment minimum.
● Trusted and Regulated
Goldario is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA) and its parent company ESC Management AS is a public company in Estonia.
● Underlying Business Potential
Goldario deals with potential businesses that have an estimated market valuation of more than 480 billion USD in the next 5 years. In this way, the original token, the GLD Token, will capture income from the underlying business activities, helping to record value growth
● Data transparency
Traceability and transparency are very important in the various steps involved in the precious metal supply chain. US ESC Management tracks the progress of the companies they invest in.
● Passive income
Get periodic dividends to hold your assets through a pre-determined trustworthy smart contract. All income and profit distributions are monitored and audited by third party evaluators and auditors, ensuring that token holders get the best return on their investment.
Token Allocation

  • Sold through Block Processor 5%
  • Bonus allocation at BP 15%
  • Exchange Sales 20%
  • Sales discount of 10%
  • 50% Bounty Representative

Fund Distribution Plan

  • 60% direct investment
  • Marketing and Bouncing 30%
  • 4% operation
  • 3% platform development
  • Team Development 2%
  • Founding Team 1%

Goldario has an existing infrastructure in Brazil under the name G44 SA (CNPJ: 28,839,840 / 0001-61) and where it has Emerald Mines (G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 31,975,883 / 0001-89) Gemstone Cutting and Polishing Factory , Jewelry Manufacturing Factory, jewelry Retail Business VERT VIVANT (CNPJ: 34,461,941 / 0001-44) and HJOMAA E G44 Mineração (CNPJ: 30,033,381 / 0001-76) shares in gold mines with many reserves. Inoex. Exchnage (Crypto Trading / Crypto Exchange) (CNPJ: 31,548,911 / 0001-81), To develop the necessary infrastructure and expand our operations throughout the world, we have drawn up concrete plans and ambitious road maps, given below.
Explore Goldario’s Journey:
This business is planned and proposed in 2015 and the story begins to be told since 2017 when building a team that contains INOEX, a cryptocurrency exchange. Immediately afterwards, opportunities arose to expand the company’s business in a new field: MINING. The emerald mine in Campos Verdes, Goiás, and share ownership in a gold mine in the north of the country, in the Lourenço district, in Calçoene.
G44 Brazil SA arrived in the emerald city with determination and brave purpose.
INOEX – Inoex.Exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform that was launched in 2017 and runs successfully with a large number of daily transactions in cryptocurrency exchanges and trading on the MetaTrader5 Platform with various possibilities, such as technical analysis, trading charts and robots, etc.
GOLD – Gold mining was conducted with the HJomaa e G44Mineração company, in Lourenço, in the Cidade Calçoene district in Amapá, where the gold mined together with the extracted emerald stones was converted into jewelry sold by the group.
Holding the largest emerald mine in Latin America by having an emerald stock stock and already thinking 5 Million Carats and in the process of cutting and polishing already 400+ miners work there.
Official geologist assessment report. See Report
This assessment report is not even 5% of the total area of the G44 Emeralds Mine.
Vivant Vert. – In 2019, we have launched our jewelry shop, Vert Vivant. The company produces and sells high-end jewelry retail and through direct sales. Soon our store will open in two of the biggest malls in the country. This project is already underway.
Goldario – Now in 2020, we have brought our ICO platform, which is fully supported by the ECO Cycle of Precious Stones (Real Emeralds and Gold Mines), Precious Metals, jewelery and the G44 SA Manufacturing and Retail business network.
Rilis White Paper V1.0Website releaseKickoff marketingFormation of advisory boardPrivate Round Token Sales
Participation in blockshow and blockchain conferencesPublic Round Token Sales

  • Saleem Zaheer – CEO
  • Joselita Esocobar – CO-CEO
  • Nicacio Neto – CTO
  • Jose Avallone – South American Legal Counsel
  • Mihhail Serle – European Legal Adviser
  • Joao Paulo Riberio – Backend Developer
  • Asad Cloud – Digital Team Leader
  • Mansoor Ahmed – Technical Manager
  • Jose Carlos Mengo – European Marketing Director
  • Ahmed Alalem – Middle East Marketing Director
  • Tanzil Ahmed – Indian Marketing Manager
  • Umair Shahid – Middle East Marketing Manager

For more detailed information, please visit the link below:

author : mirakuru79

BTT profil :;u=2583798

Carnomaly is a bilateral automotive platform.

ABOUTCarnomaly is unlike other crypto projects and unlike other auto trading platforms. We are here to create a bilateral platform between both the crypto and the automotive industries. We will do so by providing investors, consumers and dealers with the best digital automotive trading solution on the market. With Carnomaly, every group wins from those crypto-wise investors interested in the rebate program, to the consumer looking for a local used car, to the dealer searching for their next sale. 


In 2018, the United States automotive industry reached a little over 1 Trillion dollars in new vehicle sales and 116 Billion in parts and service. Advertising has averaged 9.5 billion dollars for the last 3 years with 56.3% from online marketing. Today consumers use third party websites to research and shop for their next purchase. These 3rd party websites limit the way consumers shop for a vehicle as they only focus is on one thing, “price”. These 3rd party sites make their money solely on charging dealers monthly fees to list their inventory. Over the last 5 years, the monthly fees for dealers to list inventory has increased to thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars per month. In todays world, consumers want options, so why not provide options for how they can shop for their next vehicle while keeping the cost down for dealers.

Due to the abundance of information available online, dealers have become more transparent for the consumer in order to get them into their showroom. In order to do so, they must be very aggressive with their pricing on these 3rd party websites. Over the last decade, this cycle has driven profit margins lower and lower for vehicle sales and has allowed the 3rd party sites to control the market. Due to the high monthly fees of these 3rd party websites, dealers must make up the difference somewhere, chancing a poor customer experience for the sake of making up the loss in price.

With the current outdated online automotive model there are several opportunities for improvement. In our research, we have found that most of the top online platforms have no real “in-dealership” experience on their executive teams. Throughout our teams 25+ years working in the dealership, we have experienced the frustrations and lack of direction that consumers get with the current online model. Carnomaly will be addressing these issues for both, the consumer and the dealer. We will be launching a digital online platform that that will be far superior than the competition. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-navigate platform that helps consumers search for a vehicle and dealers to control costs, allowing the dealer to pass the savings onto the consumer. Carnomaly’s goal is to provide a win-win for both parties involved.

Carnomaly will be the most advanced online digital platform in the automotive market. Consumers will have multiple ways to shop for a vehicle. No longer will they just be able to use the standard matrix’s that the current platforms have with just price and miles. Consumers will have new ways to shop and Carnomaly will provide them with the options needed to make an informed decision before even stepping onto the showroom floor. Carnomaly will serve 2 markets, consumers and dealers. These features will make for an easier buying experience and will allow the 30,000+ franchise and private dealers the opportunity to get in front of these customers. For the dealers, we will address the cost and inventory issues they currently have while helping them accept cryptocurrency as payment.
This is a good question. Coming up with a name for a project is very difficult because it needs to define you in one word. So the first part of the name is just what is says “Car”, we are an automotive crypt project so that part was easy. However coming up with the rest of the name was a little more challenging. We knew we wanted to be different and unique in our own way, like an anomaly. So this is how the name Carnomaly was born.

So now how do we make sure we live up to the name that we have chosen? Well we do this by bridging the automotive industry into the crypto world by offering the first ever crypto automotive rebate platform. Carnomaly will give people the ability to earn a crypto rebate back for buying an automobile, new or used anywhere in the world. On top of that Carnomaly will build the most innovative online automotive marketplace with the largest network of dealers worldwide. Imagine being able to have a vehicle brought to your work so you can see it and having your current car appraised at the same time. Imagine being able to pay your down payment with bitcoin. Imagine getting an additional rebate on top of the already great deal you received.

These are just a few of the things that Carnomaly will bring to the online marketplace.
The automotive industry is one of the most profitable and influential industries in the world. Not only does it affect car sales, but it also touches many other industries such as technology, national resources, fossil fuels, financial institutions, common laborers (mechanics and engineers), advertising and local economies in areas where these industries exist. 
Carnomaly sees a need to correct the issues plaguing the current online automotive trading industry, including: 
• Undervalued trades
• High interest rates
• Overpaying for vehicles
• A confusing buying process, and more. 

Carnomaly will become the first company ever to offer a worldwide rebate for an automotive purchase. Both new and used vehicles will apply, as long as they are purchased from a verified legal dealer anywhere in the world. Upon completion of our consumer platform, Carnomaly will begin buying back tokens to replenish the rebates for years to come. The proceeds from the consumer platform is what Carnomaly will use to purchase back tokens that are on the open market.


The Carnomaly automotive rebate was created to allow consumers who purchase new and pre-owned vehicles the opportunity to save more money when purchasing from an authorized automotive dealership.

Consumers who hold CARR tokens will be placed into tiers which will allow certain benefits based on tokens held. The more tokens held, the higher the tier, the better the rebate is. Consumers will be able to get a max of a 30% rebate, which will be given in CARR tokens that must be sold on the marketplace for redemption. Along with the rebates, the tiers will also have additional benefits such as multiple purchases a year allowed for rebates, a Carnomaly Automotive retail representative to help users shop, and gifting your rebate to a friend or family member.

Carnomaly will be the most advanced online digital platform in the automotive market. Consumers will have multiple ways to shop for a vehicle. No longer will they just be able to use the standard matrix’s that the current platforms have with just price and miles. Consumers will have new ways to shop and Carnomaly will provide them with the options needed to make an informed decision before even stepping onto the showroom floor. Carnomaly will serve 2 markets, consumers and dealers. These features will make for an easier buying experience and will allow the 30,000+ franchise and private dealers the opportunity to get in front of these customers. For the dealers, we will address the cost and inventory issues they currently have while helping them accept cryptocurrency as payment.




V E H I C L E A U C T I O N H O U S E S : C O M P E T I T I V E L A N D S C A P E : 
Dealers also currently face issues when getting rid of unsold or unwanted inventory. The primary method aside from retailing is sending these vehicles to local auction houses. At the moment there are two major players in the auctions business and Carnomaly plans on becoming a third. 
These two auction houses benefit from global reach and strong brand recognition within the industry:

  • Manheim Auto Auction
  • Registers 7 million vehicles to be auctioned each year worldwide Annual revenue for 2018 was $3 billion worldwide Established in 1945
  • ADESA Auto Auction
  • Registered 5.5 million vehicles in 2017 worldwide Estimated revenue for 2018 is $164.2 million Established in 1989


In order for members to redeem their CARR tokens and receive a full rebate, they must complete the following steps: 
Step 1:
Members must have signed up through the site and completed the KYC verification. 
Step 2:
After becoming a member, users can go to an exchange where CARR tokens are sold and purchase them from that exchange. 
Step 3:
Once CARR tokens are purchased on the exchange, tokens will need to be transferred to the registered MEW wallet that was set up when registering for the site. Once tokens are in the registered MEW wallet, they can then be transferred to the platform to begin the redemption process. *Tokens must be on the platform for one business day before users can apply them towards automotive purchase. 
Step 4:
Members can complete an automotive purchase. The purchase must come from a registered dealership anywhere in the world. 
Step 5:
Upload purchase documentation. Documents must be uploaded within 5 business days from the date of purchase

Carnomaly will have 3 separate IEO’s on some of the toke cryptocurrency exchanges. The first IEO sale will be launching in January, 2020. There will be 150,000,000 “CARR” tokens offered in the IEO sales. Carnomaly is dedicated to listing on some of the top exchanges with the highest liquidity to insure stability and insure token holders a long stable price. Carnomaly will also lock company funds for 90 days once the final IEO sale has concluded.

  • Each token holder must register on to be eligible for rebates and member benefits. 
  • Carnomaly employees are not eligible for member benefits.
  • Must be 18 years or older to be a Carnomaly member.
  • Only one member per household.
  • All vehicle rebates will be paid in Carnomaly Tokens on after purchase documents have been submitted and verified.
  • Each household will be limited on the number of vehicle rebates allowed each year based on the membership tier.
  • The rebate amount will be calculated based on the number of tokens held by the member, the multiplier their tier qualifies for, and the percentage their tier qualifies for.
  • The maximum rebate is based on the maximum purchase price of the member’s tier. 


Membership will be offered to those early crypto investors who purchase CARR tokens from an open online exchange.
Details surrounding membership and its benefits are outlined below:

TIER 1 : 1 to 35,000 Tokens

TIER 2 : 35,001 to 75,000 Tokens

TIER 3 : 75,001 to 150,000 Tokens

Carnomaly will use the Ethereum network and its ERC-20 smart contract to host the CARR token. ERC-20 tokens are tokens designed and used solely on the Ethereum platform. They follow a list of standards so that they can be shared, exchanged for other tokens, or transferred to a crypto wallet. The primary functionality of the CARR token is to allow token holders to earn rebates on automotive purchases worldwide by registering on the rebate platform. Carnomaly has allocated 56 percent of the token supply to the CARR rebate ecosystem. Utilizing only the Ethereum network will make it easy to analyze how many tokens each member is holding and what level of membership each member has achieved. The total market supply of the CARR token is 530,000,000. This is the permanent market supply and no more tokens can be minted. The CARR token was created by
TOTAL SUPPLY: 530,000,000 CARR Max possible emission of tokens, no more tokens can be minted

  • 9.43%: CARNOMALY LLC
  • 0.94% : C A R N O M A L Y BOUNTY
  • 4.72%: C A R N O M A L Y PRIVATE SALE
  • 56.60%: C A R N O M A L Y R E B A T E TOKENS
  • 28.30%: C A R N O M A L Y PUBLIC SALE


  • 5 %: RESERVES
  • 10%: LEGAL
  • 15%: O P E R A T I O N S & EXPENSES
  • 50%: D E V E L O P M E N T O F C A R N O M A L Y A U T O M O T I V E P L A T F O R M AND AVB


YEARLY SALES: $18,000,000.00

NET PROFIT: $ 9,450,000.00 

YEARLY SALES: $45,000,000.00

NET PROFIT: $23,625,000.00 

YEARLY SALES: $81,000,000.00

NET PROFIT: $42,525,000.00 
Carnomaly will become the first company ever to offer a worldwide rebate for an automotive purchase. Both new and used vehicles will apply, as long as they are purchased from a verified legal dealer anywhere in the world. Upon completion of our conusmer platform, Carnomaly will begin buying back tokens to replenish the rebates for years to come. The proceeds from the consumer platform is what Carnomaly will use to purchase back tokens that are on the open market.
Q4 – 2019 

  • Launch rebate token platform
  • Publish Whitepaper
  • Complete Utility Token filing with SEC
  • Final Round of Private Sale
  • 1st round of IEO
  • Begin Digital Marketing Campaign 

Q1 – 2020 

  • Complete round 2/3 of IEO
  • Begin Development of AVB (Advanced Vehicle Blockchain)
  • Token Air Drop After IEO is complete
  • Open consumer access to Rebate Portal to allow sign ups
  • Increase Digital Marketing Campaign 

Q2 – 2020 

  • Carnomaly Rebates Begin
  • Launch Beta versions of Carnomaly Dealer Site
  • AVB launches 

Q3 – 2020 

  • Full version of Dealer Site Launches
  • Begin Signing up Dealers
  • Profits from Dealer Fees are put back into the Token Platform to buy back tokens to refuel the rebates. 

Q4 – 2020 

  • Carnomaly will continue to grow and implement new ideas and solutions into the online automotive marketplace.

To get even clearer information please visit the link below:

AUTHOR Bitcointalk Username: Mirakuru  

2local platform – Geri Ödeme Sistemi ile Sürdürülebilir Bir Dünya

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Şimdiye kadar dünyanın küresel gelişimi belli bir dereceye kadar çeşitli teknolojik altyapıların icadına ve ilerlemesine atfedilebilir. Bu teknolojilerin benimsenmesi, dünya ekonomisine gelişen ve sürdürülebilir bir dünya yaratmaya yönelik tamamen yeni bir paradigma değişikliğine yol açmıştır. Teknolojik yenilikler, dünyanın birçok sektörünü rahatsız eden sorunlara sayısız çözüm sunan birçok yararlı araç ve ideolojinin yaratılmasına yardımcı olmaktadır.

Kuruluşu, yaşamın birçok alanında daha sürdürülebilir bir sistem geliştirdi, verimli bir ulaşım sistemi, daha esnek ve sofistike bir finansal sistem gördük, şeylerin internetine girerek kamu güvenliğini artırdık, optimize edilmiş enerji, uygun su ve kirlilik yönetimi gördük dünyanın her yerinden ürün alıp satmayı kolaylaştıran elektronik ticaret. Teknolojinin yardımıyla, hem yerel hem de küresel olarak günlük olarak ürün alım ve satımında daha fazla gelişme görüyoruz.

Tüm dünya veya herhangi bir sektör ne kadar mükemmel görünse de, her zaman yenilik ve iyileştirmeler için yer olduğu konusunda benimle aynı fikirde olacaksınız. Ticaret sürdürülebilir bir dünyanın kalbi olduğundan, yerel kesimlerin hem tüketicilere hem de üretici şirketlere faydalı olacak büyümesini güçlendirmek için yerel-2-yerel ticarete öncülük edecek daha fazla yenilikle bu sektörü beslemek çok önemlidir.

Bu hayalin gerçekleşmesi bir Cashback And Sadakty programı ile gerçekleştirilebilir – 2lokal Platformun Kullanım Örneği

2local, daha iyi bir dünya yaratılmasına öncülük etmek için hem yerel hem de sürdürülebilir şekilde üretim yapan bağlı yerel tüketiciler ve şirketlerden oluşan küresel bir ağ oluşturan bir başlangıç blok zinciri destekli projedir. 2loal platform Yerel ve sürdürülebilir ürünlerin alım ve satımını, dahil olan tüm tarafların, yerel halkın kalkınmasına aktif olarak katılmaya teşvik etmek için teşvik edecek benzersiz bir aylık geri ödeme kazanacakları bir sadakat programı yardımıyla destekleyecektir. küresel ekonomi.

Platform, yerel-2-yerel ürün alım ve satımı için benzersiz bir ödüllendirme sistemi oluşturarak dünyanın sürdürülebilirliğini destekleme ve herkese refah getirme misyonuyla ortaya çıkıyor. Dünyanın gelişimine kota katkıda bulunmanın eşiğinde olan 2loal platformu, kripto para birimi kullanımı ile yerel ve sınır ötesi işlemleri teşvik edecek bir ödeme uygulaması ve tüketicileri yerel ve sürdürülebilir şirketler.

2 yerel platform, BM sürdürülebilir Hedeflerini kılavuz olarak kullanarak daha iyi ve müreffeh bir dünyanın büyümesine büyük katkı sağlayacaktır. Platform, herkesi kapsayacak başarılı toplulukların büyümesi için çabalayan ilk blok zinciri projesi, finansal ve ekonomik sistemde yaygın zorluklar olmadan sürdürülebilir bir dünya, yoksulluğun ve açlığın hafifletildiği bir dünya, her vatandaşın yapabileceği bir ekonomi olacak sağlıklı, temiz su ve ekonomik ve sürdürülebilir bir enerji sisteminin tadını çıkarın

2 yerel Token Sistemi ve jeton satışı

2 yerel platformun çekirdeği, L2L jetonu adı verilen kripto para birimi üzerine inşa edilmiştir. Sürdürülebilir ve müreffeh bir sadakat ve geri ödeme sistemi yaratmanın 2 yerel platformunun ana kullanım durumunu güçlendirecek birincil para birimi olacak. L2L jetonu, jetonun yararları tarafından token ve USD arasındaki arabelleği kullanarak istikrarlı, uçucu olmayan ancak yükselen bir değeri koruyacak sürdürülebilirlik odaklı bir kripto para birimi olacaktır.

Jeton, tüketiciler ve şirketin 2 yerel blok zincirinin ideolojisi arasında sürdürülebilir bir ağ oluşturmak amacıyla üreticiler ve müşteriler arasındaki işbirliğini teşvik etmek için kullanılacaktır. 2 yerel platformda L2L jetonu (alımlar ve borsalar) ile yapılan her işlemden çekilecek küçük ücret, sadakat ve geri ödeme sisteminin bir parçası olarak kullanılacaktır.

Jeton ve jeton satışı Ayrıntılar.

Belirteç adı Stellar ağı üzerine kurulmuş L2L’dir. Bununla birlikte, 2 yerel ekip gelecekte TRON blok zincirine geçmek niyetindedir.

Jeton Sembolü – L2L
Toplam arz: L2L
Jeton satışı tahsisi:% 63
Blockchain: Yıldız

2 yerel token satışı şu anda P2pB2b’de; başarılı IEO token satışları için bilinen yüksek işlem hacmine sahip bir kripto para birimi değişimi:

IEO başlangıç ​​tarihi: 12 Şubat 2020, 09:00 (UTC + 0)
IEO bitiş tarihi: 21 Şubat 2020, 14:00 (UTC + 0)
IEO için Jeton Kaynağı: 833333333
IEO için Jeton Fiyatı: 0.0017137 USD
Minimum Satın Alma: 2000 L2L
IEO Bonusu:% 30
HardCap: 1.000.000 USD

Son Not

2loal platform, tüm dünyayı daha iyi ve sürdürülebilir bir yer haline getirmek için gereken çeşitli yeniliklerin mükemmel bir şekilde anlaşılmasıyla ortaya çıkıyor ve bu nedenle benzer blok zinciri girişimlerine özgü gerçekçi olmayan hedefler vaat etmiyor. 2 yerel platformun arkasındaki ekibin geniş deneyimi, projenin ortaya çıkan kripto para piyasasında lider rolü alması için yol açacaktır.

Yerel Resmi Linkler:

Web sitesi:







Yazarın Detayları:

AceWins – decentralized gambling platform. Daily dividends

Gambling has always been one of the favorite leisure activities of many people around the world. People are always with a special interest have been trying now to find some game to their liking. If before they had very little choice, now the choice of games is huge. Moreover, with the advent of the global Internet, many users have a unique opportunity to play your favorite games right at home. That also gave a new impetus to the development of this industry.

Despite the fact that the gambling market is extremely profitable, it still has a number of problems due to which many players are faced with insurmountable circumstances. During which they can not fully play what they are so used to. And this is due not only to strict rules on the part of state regulators but also because of the large number of fraudulent platforms, where the developed algorithms are not designed to win on the part of the participant of the game.

A new decentralized project offers to solve these problems. The main feature is built around the three main criteria of a decentralized world. Acting thus as a reliable, transparent and safe space for all players.

About the project
The project which will now be discussed is called AceWins. Based on the first part of the name, many of you will surely see the relationship of Blockchain with the AceWins Protocol and not just for a reason. After all, it is on it and developed the game concept AceWins. This was done on purpose because the entire structure of the AceWins blockchain Protocol was originally developed for such projects and Dapps applications. Where all gaming platforms can easily use, fast and quality features inherent in AceWins.


AceWins launched on 24 November 2018 is an online Crypto Casino and an ERC-20 Gambling Token (ACW).

ACW Tokens have an inbuilt HODL rewards system, which pays you HODL rewards, automatically up to 21% a month. The HODL Rewards are credited automatically to your wallet after the addition of every block to the Ethereum Blockchain which sums to 21% a month (approximately), if you allow the rewards to the compound.

After every year, the HODL Rewards get halved to prevent inflation.

Since the tokens pay you HODL Rewards, the initial supply is limited to 12,500,000 tokens. The balance in the burn address along with the HODL rewards piled up to a huge total supply.

To avoid confusion, we created and deployed a new smart contract AceWins (ACW) with 12.5 million total supply on Nov-01–2019 09:26:29 PM +UTC and distributed the equal amount of ACW tokens to all the ACE holders.

The old smart contract (0xbffdd152a9da1eda4afcc550fb1c789019e75334) and the ACE Tokens are not valid any longer.

ACW is the new token and 0xd29fa4b8cc936a68bb560b19eed969ebfdbaa565 is the new smart contract address from Nov-01–2019 09:26:29 PM +UTC.

60 Percent of the casino’s net revenue is distributed to the ACW token holders proportionally as dividends.

The more ACW tokens you hold, the more dividends you may get.

Multiple Opportunities To Earn

Casino Investment

Invest on the casino’s bankroll and earn up to 50 percent profit.

Affiliate Commission

Promote your referral link and earn affiliate commissions.

Revenue Share For ACW Holders

Stake your ACW Tokens and get a share of the casino’s revenue in BTC.

Matrix / Multi-Level Marketing

Join one of our matrix plans and earn 9 level matrix commission.

Token (ACW)

Symbol: ACW

Contract: 0xd29fa4b8cc936a68bb560b19eed969ebfdbaa565 6

Standard: ERC20

Website: 30

Decimals: 10

Total Supply: 13,770,570.924826785 ACW

For more information, go to the link below:

● Website:

● White paper:

● ANN:

● Telegram:

● Facebook:

● Twitter:

● Discord:

Bitcointalk Username: mirakuru79
Bitcointalk URL:;u=2583798
ETH Address: 0x8941af4f7A11931cDdBEF5aC3bFCdbF629AbdE5f

Carnomaly – Platform diskon cryptocurrency pertama


Platform otomotif yang paling berteknologi maju dan canggih di dunia, industri otomotif terkemuka yang berinovasi dan menerapkan teknologi mulai dari motor listrik karbon netral untuk mobil otonom untuk integrasi ke dalam Internet. Caromaly tidak seperti proyek kripto lainnya dan tidak seperti perdagangan otomotif lainnya.
Kami di sini untuk menciptakan platform bilateral antara dua cryptos dan industri otomotif. Kami juga akan melakukan ini dengan menyediakan investor, konsumen dan dealer dengan yang terbaik solusi perdagangan digital otomotif di pasar. Dengan Carnomaly, masing-masing kelompok menang-dari kripto-menarik investor bijaksana
dalam program rebate, bagi konsumen yang mencari mobil bekas lokal, untuk mencari dealer penjualan berikutnya.

Pabrik otomotif adalah industri yang sangat menguntungkan dan berpengaruh di belahan dunia. Tidak hanya mempengaruhi penjualan mobil, tetapi juga menyentuh pada banyak industri lain
seperti teknologi, sumber daya nasional, bahan bakar fosil, lembaga keuangan, pekerja publik, iklan, dan ekonomi lokal di dalam wilayah di mana industri berada.
Carnomaly Lihat apa yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki masalah yang mengganggu industri
Perdagangan otomotif online, termasuk:
• Nilai perdagangan rendah (perdagangan)
• Tingkat bunga tinggi
• Pembayaran lebih untuk kendaraan
• Proses pembelian membingungkan dan banyak lagi.


Carnomaly akan terhubung langsung antara industri otomotif dan dunia Cryptocurency
Dengan membuat jenis baru dari platform trading.
Konsumen dan dealer. Carnomaly akan mengubah atmosfer perdagangan saat ini dengan menjadi yang pertama untuk menawarkan Rabat pada konsumen investasi kripto dan yang pertama untuk menciptakan ekosistem token dikendalikan oleh konsumen.
Carnomaly akan memberdayakan konsumen dan dealer dengan infrastruktur untuk komunikasi yang lebih baik tanpa manipulasi. Bagi konsumen,
Carnomaly akan memungkinkan browsing (browsing) online secara anonim dalam rangka untuk memastikan konsumen dapat melihat dan menerima harga terbaik untuk semua kendaraan.


Anda dapat menghasilkan token rebate pada pembelian otomotif mereka, dengan Jumlah rebate variatif tergantung pada tingkatan keanggotaan.
Untuk dealer, Carnomaly akan memungkinkan kelancaran pertukaran persediaan antara satu Antara dealer dan konsumen. Dengan jumlah otomatisasi dan biaya rendah, Carnomaly berencana untuk mengambil beberapa saham di industri ini hanya dengan beberapa pemain kunci.
Akhirnya, banyak kelebihan yang inovatif yang ditawarkan. Untuk kedepannya , Carnomaly membuat solusi yang memangkas kesenjangan antara layanan digital dan fisik. Untuk agen, kendaraan Anda dapat diambil untuk mengubah minyak di kantor Anda atau kendaraan yang Anda Cari dapat dibawa ke Anda untuk inspeksi


Carnomaly adalah dua hal: sebuah proyek token kripto ERC20 dan pasar otomotif online. Proyek token kripto ERC20 |
Platform keanggotaan pertama carnomaly mendapatkan Rabat otomotif untuk kehidupan dengan token utilitas ERC-20 (CARR). Token ini akan memungkinkan siapa pun di dunia
dapat membeli token, membeli mobil baru atau bekas dan mendapatkan Rabat.

Mendaftar sebagai anggota, dan kemudian mendapatkan rebate pada pembelian otomotif berikutnya. Sesederhana itu. Carnomaly juga akan mengembangkan kendaraan blockcain
otomotif/otomotif blockchain kendaraan (AVB). Dengan AVB sejarah kendaraan Anda akan selalu akurat dengan proyeksi dari blockchain yang. Dengan AVB, semua minyak diganti, penjadwalan kunjungan pemeliharaan, penarikan akan dilacak dan disimpan dengan aman. AVB juga akan melacak klaim asuransi dan perbaikan di Bodyshop.
Apakah konsumen mencari sesuatu yang baru atau sesuatu yang jarang digunakan, akan memiliki semuanya.

peta jalan
Carnomaly akan menjadi perusahaan pertama yang menawarkan diskon di seluruh dunia untuk pembelian mobil. Mobil baru dan bekas akan berlaku, asalkan dibeli dari dealer resmi di mana saja di dunia. Setelah menyelesaikan platform kami, Carnomaly akan mulai membeli kembali token untuk mengisi diskon di tahun-tahun mendatang. Pendapatan platform konsumen adalah apa yang akan digunakan Carnomaly untuk membeli token yang ada di pasar bebas.
Luncurkan tag diskon dan tag
Publikasi Buku Putih
Pengajuan lengkap token utilitas dengan SEC
Babak Final Kupon Pribadi
Babak pertama IEO
Memulai kampanye pemasaran digital
Lingkaran penuh 2/3 dari IEO
Mulai Kembangkan AVB (Advanced Blockchain)
Token dan Air Drop Setelah iEO selesai
Buka akses pengguna ke portal diskon untuk memungkinkan pendaftaran
Tingkatkan kampanye pemasaran digital
2 – 2020
Rabat carnomaline dimulai
Luncurkan versi beta dari situs web dealercarnomaly
AVB diluncurkan
3 -2020
Versi lengkap dari situs startup dealer
Mulai mendaftarkan dealer
Keuntungan dari biaya dealer kembali ke Platform Token untuk membeli kembali token untuk membebankan diskon.
4 -2020
Carnomaly akan terus mengembangkan dan menerapkan ide-ide dan solusi baru di pasar mobil online.

Untuk informasi yang lebih jelas, silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:
Dikirim oleh: mirakuru79;u=2583798

Freelanex – Where Blockchain Meets Freelancer Needs

The potential of working as a freelancer alias is interesting because it has the charm of working without a boss, having its own schedule and working on only projects that are of personal interest. But in reality, the payment process from clients is often delayed and there are still doubts about their profession. These two things become a big challenge for freelancers.

In addition, other problems often faced by freelancers are job security and the sustainability of their business. More than 40% of respondents highlight precarious income as their main problem.

What is FreelaneX?

Freelanex offers a trustworthy and fun online workspace. Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides a system environment on the Blockchain. This is a unique opportunity to approach negotiations using a decentralized system with smart contracts, through a user-friendly interface.

Freelanex introduces a clear and trustworthy transaction system and employee protection rights to protect workers from fraudulent and unprincipled practices – situations that benefit both parties.

A measure of economic freelance

Freelance Economy is the latest and by far the strongest transformation factor in the global employment landscape. Until a decade ago, ‘casual workers’ were identified as individuals who work between jobs or work in part-time capacities only.

The advent of technology and high-speed internet access is rapidly changing this perspective, with more and more professionals joining the freelancing train. Research shows more than 57 million Americans work as freelancers part-time or part-time. Likewise, the total number of freelancers in the European Union more than doubled between 2004 & 2014.

Despite its increasing popularity, the freelance economy is troubled by innate challenges. Freelanex proposes an autonomous economy that addresses critical problems such as lack of trust, high intermediary costs, operational challenges, and the lack of a strong dispute resolution system.

We aim to build an ecosystem that makes it easier to find legitimate freelance opportunities, reduce intermediary costs, resolve trust issues between freelancers and entrepreneurs, and equip freelancers with intuitive tools for efficiency and management.

Freelanex plans to use blockchain technology for its platform. It intends to utilize the key features of the blockchain technology including transparency, conservation, security, and efficiency. 

The global loose industry is worth more than $ 3.7 trillion. In terms of popularity and adoption, Europe offers the largest percentage of freelancers (35.5%) followed by Asia (28%), Latin America (29.2%), and Africa 10.1%. The on-demand economy is transforming the global workforce, with more than 57 million casual workers in the US alone. Freelance demographics are currently dominated by young professionals, with 20% to 30% of the young workforce in the EU and US engaged in independent work.

As we said at the beginning, we lived in a time that was greatly influenced by the technological revolution and other digital influences. And in many cases, this new technology plays an important role in our lives. At this stage, we can already think about revolutionary ideas and how to apply them.

Through multidisciplinary studies, we found that there are defects in the independent economy and there is a demand to set safety standards, to build reliable business relationships between freelancers and clients. This is the reason behind our search for characteristics and standards of Blockchain technology to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients.

This is the reason behind our search for characteristics and standards of Blockchain technology to improve services and expand relationships between freelancers and their clients.

We think that Blockchain is the best tool we can use to create effective solutions to overcome problems faced by freelancers. This can be achieved by building an ecosystem based on the Blockchain to provide transparency and trust between customers and freelancers, our system is decentralized through the use of innovative technology solutions for new generations of new concepts.

In addition, smart contracts will provide opportunities to create new concepts and implement data through contracts that can be programmed intelligently (while transactions are not reliable between the two previous parties). The system will examine every action, including the review of smart contracts and the implementation of the skills assessment process by participants in the platform in mass that cannot be completed.

There is a good vision in battle. In addition, we aim to combat global unemployment and help motivate people – by providing free work to individuals. In this way, they will find their work in a flexible and smooth way and will be paid so that the whole economy will benefit from day today.

Especially, Freelanex offers a unique payment gateway and various incentives through the use of utility tokens and wallet platforms. This gives freelancers around the world easier access to payments, currency exchange, and protection of worker’s rights.

Freelanex Mission:

We believe in empowering freelancers and giving them a trusted environment to connect with job opportunities anywhere, anywhere and anytime. We have recognized that the environment for freelancers and clients is very volatile at the moment, and we have a mission to build trust and pleasant workspace for everyone.

Freelanex Vision:

Freelanex connects millions of casual workers around the world with job opportunities through a real work environment created to promote collaboration, transparency and payment security. Freelanex utilizes the power of blockchain and artificial intelligence to build the largest and most trusted online workspace environment for freelancers while allowing them to invest and get the same benefits through platform scalability.

We envision a future where freelancers around the world will have unlimited access to growth and trust while working online.

Why Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain can guarantee transactions made between freelancers and their clients using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to combine contract conditions to make automatic decisions – according to blockchain and smart contract rules – for everyone on the network and transactions in the ledger.

World Problems Freelancers:

When we think of all kinds of work relationships, the first thing we remember is “trust”. Trust is very important in our professional lives. Unfortunately, finding a trustworthy environment isn’t too common when we talk about the world of Freelancers.

In fact, several problems affect these professionals and their clients. Because there are no integrated guidelines through traditional platforms, what we found was a very dispersive environment – where sometimes it happens that freelancers are not paid from clients, at the end of their work; sometimes it happens that freelancers are very late in giving jobs, and clients can only cancel assignments (a waste of time and without having to complete the work needed).

There is no process to verify the data included on both sides to confirm its transparency or accuracy, agreements between the parties can be violated easily and the cost of paying for the use of traditional platforms is quite high.

  • Lack of trust, trust & transparency
  • There are no integrated guidelines
  • There is no process to verify the data included by both parties, to confirm its transparency or accuracy.
  • Amendment to the agreement between the two parties and the provisions of the Convention.
  • High transaction costs
  • High platform costs
  • There is no or minimal KYC procedure

Freelanex has been thought exactly to fix these problems. How can we do it? Thanks to the blockchain technology, that allows protecting both the freelancers and their clients.

Freelanex and Unemployment

The global economic crisis has exacerbated the unemployment rate among young people to the worst, with severe social consequences that many young people of the world are currently suffering from unemployment and lack of employment opportunities.
The solutions proposed to address them differ in turn from country to country The ILO points out that more than 73 million young men and women are unemployed & this number is still growing up. We have to do everything we can in order to offer some solutions.

We at Freelanex have the desire to help in fixing this problem, through the establishment of courses and laboratories and free online training in all disciplines available on the platform. This will provide a good source of income for many of those wishing to move to a better life. Other grants are free membership for one month for all trainees who pass these courses, to motivate them to work and use their skills in the Freelancers market.

Freelanex Platform:

As we have said, Freelanex is a decentralized platform that provides an environmental system on the Blockchain. Thanks to that, freelancers and their potential clients will easily connect – have the opportunity to work together in a trustworthy ecosystem – where all work relationships will be managed by our Smart Contract and will be guaranteed thanks to the use of blockchain technology.

All transactions between Freelancers and clients are irreversible, transparent and trustworthy. In addition, our system will be strong and resistant to all violations to protect Blockchain data storage. To provide security for users on the Blockchain there are standards and features, which will be automatically implemented by Blockchain – programming in smart contracts, to enable data validation in less than one second:

  • Payment guarantee
  • KYC
  • Rule of law
  • Security

The Hyperledger authentication application will be used to maintain all events and records regarding Hyperledger, while the business logic class will be based on rules and special permission levels (together with Hyperledger itself).

All trusted independent people will be gathered and added to our white list, to ensure compliance with judicial organizations for both parties – by registering data on the Blockchain until trust and transparency are found.

The information and conditions written in this contract are impenetrable and cannot be changed by anyone: helplessness is one of the reasons we decided to use blockchain technology.

Our added value 

After studying the reports and statistics related to the problems and risks faced by freelancers, Freelanex seeks to create a synchronized platform that is highly focused on freelancer support. This will be achieved by building a system which has the ability to reduce the percentage of problems and risks affecting the economy. 

Freelanex aims to add value by: 

  • Building the overall structure of common uuidelines in this field to verify data from both sides to ensure their transparency and accuracy. 
  • Creating a decentralized system to complete transactions and receive payments from clients (for a fee of 8% — 10%). 
  • Implementing transactions by using a smart contract, to ensure terms and conditions upheld in each contract. 
  • Building a solid market for freelancers. 
  • Reducing job search and display time. 
  • Upholding strong and independent market development. 
  • Ensuring a high level of technical readiness to serve and support users. 
  • Securing audits of smart contracts by the development team. 
  • Continuously improving the system for efficiency and flexibility. 

Freelanex aims to eliminate the fraud problem highly capitulated in the freelance economy. It is expected that the future of freelancers will represent a global economy dominating the labor market in various fields, and so, Freelanex focuses on protecting people’s rights in order to isolate them from fraudulent and immoral practices. 

Why Blockchain Technology? 

Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making decisions automatic — according to the rules of blockchain and smart contract — for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger. 

Our system will be divided into two bases: 

User Data 

Blockchain can guarantee transactions agreed between freelancers and their clients by using smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to merge contract conditions making decisions automatic — according to the rules of blockchain and smart contract — for each person in the network as well as transactions on the ledger.


Blockchain will also change the efficiency and security of transactions within the environment of the platform. Blockchain provides confidence between two sides to complete transactions with increased flexibility and transparency. Each user has his or her unique identity, encrypted on the blockchain, which means that each client can send money to a freelancer and maintain security until the transaction (job) is officially completed. 

This security class makes the transaction management faster and provides security by maintaining a financial record, whether the two sides are in the same country or not. 

How Does Smart Contract Work? 

There is a proven and strong incentive for taking control of existing central services and finding alternatives in a world that are moving faster and faster. The implementation of the main tool in this area of decentralization, the smart contract, significantly enhances and protects user data in a transactional sense and also makes way for seamless connectivity. 

Freelanex is here to offer a new solution to the mutual exchange movement, which will be enhanced by smart contracts, ensuring customer security and effective access. Freelanex is here to offer a new solution to the mutual exchange movement, which will be enhanced by smart contracts, ensuring customer security and effective access. 

Smart contracts are defined as self-executing contracts written in solidified encryption code. According to the Ethereum protocol, this code is used to complete and accelerate mechanical aspects of various systems to create a smart contract. This is done to explain data instructions entered essentially and, as a result of these inputs, protects the rights of all parties involved in the system. 

As contract terms are automatically executed upon transaction completion, payments are also automatically released when the system verifies that all data points have been justified, as per the entered smart contract. The Freelanex smart contract will be stored in a decentralized blockchain and is legally binding to all parties. Due to the distribution warehouse protocol, each process within the network will be recorded in a transparent, publicly verifiable manner, with full counterfeit protection.

Smart Contract Guarantees 

How will the smart contract protect both the buyer (employer) and the seller (freelancer)? The smart contract includes and guarantees the following interactions between counterparties: 

Guarantee of contract. 

  • The buyer starts buying through a smart contract. 
  • Freelanex to protect the funds required in the buyer’s account. 
  • The seller will deliver the product. 
  • Within a limited period of time, the buyer shall examine the product and accept or make a decision in terms of the transaction. 
  • After transaction approval, funds are transferred to the appropriate accounts 

FLXC Token Allocation: 

The total token supply for FLXC will be 10 billion. A total of 5,000,000,000 tokens shall be offered in the upcoming sale. FLXC will be listed on one of the major exchanges before IEO following its initial token sale and will become available to the public for exchange and trading. Any unsold tokens shall be retained by Freelanex and allocated to Reserves to platform development and growth of the Freelanex ecosystem, its community, and partners.

Allocation of Funds: 

The entire amount raised through the ICO will solely be dedicated to the development of the Freelanex platform. 

Token Sale Parameters: 


  • SHIVA DWIVEDI: chief technology officer
  • DAVORIN DUCK: Communication and Community Manager
  • FARAH ABBAS: Chief Business Analyst


  • NAVIIN CHAPTER: Strategic ICO Advisor
  • SYDNEY IFERGAN: Marketing Adviser
  • IGOR KARAVAEV: Financial advisor
  • ERIKA ROSE STONE: Business Development Advisor

For more information :

Web | Tweeter | Telegram | Facebook | Linkedin | Medium | Youtube 

Author : mirakuru79
Telegram: @mirakuru79
ETH Address  : 0x8941af4f7A11931cDdBEF5aC3bFCdbF629AbdE5f

Обзор платформы Dronair

Вам нужно знать историю беспилотных летательных аппаратов, которые действительно, как и первый дрон, были разработаны к концу первой мировой войны. В то время самолет под названием Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane стал первой успешной моделью, которая будет летать в космосе. Управляйте этим самолетом, используя гироскоп.

После этого появился самолет управления, теперь известный как RC-игрушка. Реджинальд Денни массово производил эти типы самолетов и поставлял их в Королевский летающий корпус во время первой мировой войны. История беспилотных летательных аппаратов также свидетельствует о том, что компания превратилась в производителя Radioplane, который впоследствии стал беспилотником.

Существует много истории беспилотных летательных аппаратов, о которых мы не знаем, но с развитием технологии беспилотных летательных аппаратов дроны постепенно используются в Индонезии, и даже сейчас беспилотники стали современным явлением в Индонезии. потому что все больше и больше людей используют дронов для определенных целей или действий. Даже для некоторых профессиональных журналистов, из истории беспилотных летательных аппаратов в Индонезии беспилотники используются в качестве инструмента для съемки фотографий или видео.

История беспилотных летательных аппаратов может быть замечена из выгод, которые были весьма влиятельными, например, использование беспилотных летательных аппаратов в Индонезии также связано с вооруженными силами, хотя наряду с его развитием дрон также используется в качестве камеры. Для определенных профессий, связанных с камерами, беспилотники обычно используются в интересах его работы. История беспилотных камер начинается с гаджетной компании, которая приняла использование этих дронов.

Использование этого беспилотника имеет функцию создания коммерческой камеры беспилотника, так что в конце концов эту камеру беспилотника можно использовать для повседневной деятельности. Как и у других игрушек с дистанционным управлением, дроны также имеют такой же способ использования. Довольно современный дрон даже оснащен чипом, который может отправлять файлы на смартфоны.

Из истории дронов камеры, которые сейчас становятся все более практичными, поэтому каждый снимок, сделанный дроном, можно увидеть прямо через наш смартфон. Это, конечно, очень легко, и мы можем воспользоваться преимуществами технологии дрона. Однако, в соответствии с существующими законами, читайте беспилотники для составления карт, есть некоторые места или области, которые не должны использоваться для вхождения беспилотников.

Я думаю, что многие люди в наше время с удовольствием используют автоматические стиральные машины, системы умного дома, роботов-пылесосов и многие другие игрушки. Но это не предел. Наши ученые, разработчики и другие специалисты каждый день работают над созданием новых технологических идей, которые не только качественно, но и технически улучшают нашу повседневную жизнь. Это идея, которую я хочу обсудить с вами сегодня.

О проекте

Проект, который привлек мое внимание, назывался Dronair. Исходя из названия, может быть, многим удалось угадать, что сейчас будет обсуждаться, а именно о том, кто. Да, вы абсолютно правы, проект, который я хочу донести, теперь оснащен беспилотниками. Для тех, кто не знает, что такое дрон. Это небольшой летающий дрон, который люди обычно используют для аэрофотосъемки, но также и для многих других идей.

Теперь разработчики проекта Dronair намерены показать нам свою новую уникальную идею, в которой использование беспилотного летательного аппарата позволит сократить транспортные и логистические расходы многих мировых компаний. Как ты спрашиваешь? Ответ довольно прост. С помощью беспилотников разработчики планируют организовать доставку конечных товаров конечным потребителям.

Таким образом, сокращаются не только такие транспортные расходы, но и значительно сокращается стоимость самого времени доставки. Этот запрос вызван существующими проблемами, решениями, предлагаемыми проектом Dronair.

Как я уже сказал, индустрия транспортной логистики – очень сложный и длительный процесс. Ведь с момента получения заказа до доставки его в конечный пункт назначения потребителям требуются не только время, но и дополнительные деньги. Если мы немного проанализируем в конце отгрузки, произведенной из распределительного центра вашего городского склада, до вашей двери, в среднем это занимает почти два-три дня.

С помощью Dronair эту проблему можно решить за несколько часов. О том, что делает заказ Dronair, можно не только быстро, но и качественно. Без повреждения внешнего упаковочного слоя и целостности самого продукта. В то же время технология блокчейна, которая пользуется большим спросом во всем мире, позволит повысить надежность каждой транзакции в Dronair.
Там, где каждый отдельный пользователь шагов может не только самостоятельно отслеживать и наблюдать, но и записывать акт передачи товара через смарт-контракты. Это делает все условия работы Dronair более качественными, надежными и прозрачными.

В дополнение к вышеупомянутым решениям, у Dronair есть ряд преимуществ, которые также заслуживают внимания. Во-первых, беспилотные беспилотники могут легко отправлять пакеты в самые отдаленные уголки человеческой жизни, где, например, неразвитая дорожно-транспортная инфраструктура и доставка в реальном времени испытывают огромные трудности. Во-вторых, поставки Dronair могут выполнять даже самые срочные заказы, что делает его более популярным в экстренных случаях, когда кто-то может нуждаться в определенных лекарствах, и нет времени ждать курьера.
И, в-третьих, поскольку беспилотники летают по воде, их не волнуют общие проблемы, такие как проблемы в традиционных формах транспортной логистики, такие как простои в заторах и чрезмерное потребление топлива, что также приводит к большим суммам для владельца компании. собственный.

Кроме того, беспилотник проекта Dronair наделен искусственным интеллектом, а также распознаванием лиц по идентификаторам, что делает доставку не только максимально точной, но и эксклюзивной. В то же время сам беспилотный гибридный беспилотник оснащен бензиновым двигателем, что делает его не только сильнее, но и сильнее. В конце концов, благодаря новой силе, дрон Dronair способен поднять более 350 кг, и я думаю, что это действительно удивительно!


Как я уже сказал, безопасность и прозрачность всех операций будут контролироваться с помощью технологии блокчейн с интегрированной системой интеллектуальных контрактов и сопровождающим ее внутренним токеном Dair. Важно отметить, что сам токен был разработан на основе протокола Ethereum и соответствует стандартному токену ERC-20, что делает Dair более стабильным и упрощает прием многих кошельков, поддерживающих этот формат и другие финансовые инструменты.
В общей сложности разработчик намерен выпустить 140 миллиардов Dair, 60% из которых будут выделены для частных и публичных продаж. Остальные маркеры будут выделены маркетингу, консультантам и фондам (см. Рисунок).

В заключение некоторых результатов следует отметить, что уровень развития промышленных беспилотников будет только расти и развиваться из года в год. В конце концов, этот вид транспорта хочет использоваться не только в транспортной отрасли, но и в других, потому что область применения беспилотных транспортных средств очень велика. Поэтому я предлагаю вам не проходить, а изучать Dronair более подробно, через техническую документацию и все официальные социальные ресурсы проекта. Ссылки, которые вы так долго ждали внизу.
Я надеюсь, что вам понравился мой отзыв, поэтому я хотел бы прочитать ваши комментарии ниже этого поста. И это все, что у меня есть. Спасибо за внимание и до новых встреч!

Официальная информация о проекте Dronair:
Мой аккаунт: профиль:;u=2583798
ETH Адрес: 0x8941af4f7A11931cDdBEF5aC3bFCdbF629AbdE5f

DACX – Global Regulator Exchange Platform

One of the main objectives of the creation of Cryptography is very secure communication and execution of transactions. This can be realized by creating and analyzing algorithms and protocols, so that no information can be changed or disturbed by third parties. The transactions are also recorded in the Ledge Blockchain (Ledger of Transaction Records) owned by all network nodes. So, once the transaction is validated by the network, no one can change any details in the transaction record. This ensures that no Reset can be done within the Crypto network.

Financial markets are markets where people trade financial securities and commodities with low-value transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and demand.

Digital currency or electronic currency is a type of currency that is only available in digital form, not physically like paper money and coins. It shows properties that are similar to physical currencies, but allow for instant transactions and unlimited ownership transfers. Examples include virtual currencies and cryptocurrency or even central banks that issue digital base money. Like traditional money, this currency can be used to buy physical goods and services, but it can also be limited to certain communities such as for use in online games or social networking.

In this case the organization creates a platform to overcome financial market gaps with the digital economy. DACX is an economic platform designed to bridge the gap between old financial markets and emerging digital asset ecosystems. DACX adds confidence in the fragmented landscape of new digital assets to handle complex transactions quickly and transparently when matching orders and eliminating market inefficiencies. DACX builds digital asset management tools and develops an interface that allows customers to get the full benefits of a smart economy around the world.

For further development, we have a vision to become a unifying bridge between the old financial markets and the emerging digital economy. And also the mission to be achieved in our project is, to become a trusted provider of digital currencies and regional authority on blockchain technology, making smart economies work for everyone through empowerment, transparency, and innovation around the world.

Digital Asset & Commodity Exchange utilizes artificial intelligence and high-performance computing technology, optimized to provide markets that are efficient, secure and in accordance with product solutions for institutional and retail class customers. Our emphasis is on the fractionalization of all forms of assets and commodities through tokenization. To bring more opportunities to be included in all types of investors, which in turn adds further liquidity to this traditional market.

DACX bridges the gap between physical commodities and digital assets, promoting the reuse of limited resources to drive the global circular economy. By hosting advanced security features, DACX implements machine learning for real-time market surveillance to prevent suspicious activities and security threats & utilizes KYC / AML on-boarding for its clients.

Financial Exclusions
Financial exclusion refers to a process where people have difficulty accessing and / or using financial services and products in the mainstream market that suits their needs and enable them to lead a normal social life in the community they are in.

Poor Customer Support
Customer service is the key to any business, companies that continually provide poor customer service can go out of business. Today’s customers have so many choices and will turn to competitors if found with poor service experience. Whatever your business type, your customers always want to be heard and treated well.


Some challenges are seen in our industry:

  1. Response time
  2. Don’t have answers to questions
  3. Failure to understand what the customer wants
  4. Accept responsibility
  5. Resolution – Leave a customer complaint unresolved

This can cause many side effects, for example;

  1. Broken reputation
  2. Lost business & returning customers
  3. Lost our best employees
  4. Lack of respect where the key to winning your customers is to treat them with the utmost respect.

DACX Exchange
New technology enables global businesses to reach new audiences around the world to ensure a path for international clients now than ever before. Organizations have been hampered by not ensuring multi-language support is part of an ongoing strategy, customers must always be at the core of your business goals, and part of this gives them a seamless experience.

A multilingual help desk, whether at home or obtained through an outsourcing company is key as the product grows. A trade matching machine is software that is used to match purchase orders, offers, and with sell orders, offers. This is the most important part of every exchange because it is what allows users to trade with each other and all the reasons why they are registered on the platform. Trading matching machines follow an algorithm that determines the set of rules they must obey, how it works, how many orders they can handle on how many pairs and how long it will take. The multi-thread process is more profitable, but only a few crypto exchanges implement it because it requires more work, experience and time to build.


  1. Hot Wallet This is a wallet that is stored on our internal servers for frequent transfers. Only a small portion of funds will be kept available for frequent transfers. All Hot Wallets come in encrypted form and the decryption key is only applied by authorized personnel at predetermined intervals to approve outgoing transactions. This prevents the loss of assets if our internal server is compromised.
  2. HSM Protected Semi-Cold Wallet The wallet is an outdoor office wallet that is held by the entire enterprise hardware wallet solution with governance, multisig, and access limits enforced by the Hardware Security Machine. Multiple signatures from authorized personnel are required to approve a transaction and access is limited to the private network terminal.
  3. Hardware Wallet Integration A comment about the integration of Ledger nano hardware wallet, and X (with pictures)
  4. Cold Wallet This wallet is kept offline and transactions are signed on an offline computer by senior management executives.


DACX Exchange will list Stable USD coins and BTC pairs for all high cap exchange coins and utility tokens. We will stage the listing by taking input from community members. More coins will be added as time goes on. We generally only add exchange coins and utility tokens that have strong credibility, user base and liquidity. For existing or future projects that wish to be listed on the DACX Foundry for primary offerings or for secondary market trading on the DACX Exchange, must reach to benefit from the terms and costs of our promotional listings. The DACX Exchange platform is scalable in terms of technological and practical applications, therefore, in Q1 2020 we intend to have a gradual STO for primary publishing and secondary trading. Our road map is online for the latest progress indicators.

We will launch the platforms in the following order:

  1. Trading spot coin Exchange & Utility tokens
  2. The main offer and trade of the secondary market Security Tokens
  3. Crypto Currency Margin Trading
  4. Trading Fiat currency margins
  5. DEFI

Platform supported

  1. We will provide cross-platform trading clients to:
  2. Web-based trading client
  3. Android native client
  4. iOS native client
  6. Web Socket

Some of DACX’s main features are, but are not limited to:
Crypto to Fiat
Rail & Settlement Banking
Hardware Wallet Support
MultiSignature Wallet
Universal Wallet-Remit Cross border payments
Virtual Debit Card
Security Token

Affiliate / Referral Program
DACX offers an Affiliate / Referral program to increase brand awareness where prizes are available based on various levels of verification and hold. The total number of DACX prizes is limited to a maximum of 5,000,000 tokens. Prizes will be distributed at the end of the campaign based on the completion period.

We have published our own utility token, called DACX Token. A strict limit of 786,786,786 DACX has been created, never increased and the total supply will be reduced through frequent token burning. The DACX token will run natively on the Ethereum blockchain under the ERC 20 token standard.

Universal Wallet
Universal Wallet is the core storage unit of DACX Remit. It uses DLT, traditional banking and guards to store the following types of assets in one wallet: Fiat Money
Crypto Currency
Utility Token
Security Token (STO)
Stable Coins
Commodity Token


DACX RoadMap

September 2019-Pre-Registration
October 2019 – Pre-Launch of IEO
Q4 2019-Exchange Launch
Q4 2019-Fiat Gateways
Q1 2020-Extending Operational Jurisdiction to EU & Asia
Q1 2020 – Cross-border Payments
Q1 2020-STO Integration
Q1 2020-Virtual Debit Card
Q1 2020-Bridge Remit & Exchange
Q2 2020-Margin Trading
Q2 2020-DEFI – Loans
Q2 2020-Extending Operational Jurisdiction to NA

DACX team

  2. FRANS KLERKS: Head of Marketing
  3. LISA LI: Regional Marketing & Communication
  4. TARIMA ISMAIL: Cyber ​​Security & Blockchain Engineer
  5. CURTIS PAVLIK: Regional Sales & Operations
  6. JAMES WACKETT: Regional Business Development
  7. FRASS MASROOR: Full Stack Developer
  8. UMAIR JAWAID: DevOps & Platform Engineer
  9. PETER MACDONALD: Strategy & Business Partnership Strategy Division


  1. RICHARD GARDNER: Modulus Global CEO
  2. LAURENCE KIRK: CEO of Extropy.IO
